Kirsten Sikkelee, CEO of YWCA Central Carolinas, and Nicole Burnette, Urban Farmer and Hemp Grower, were our guest speakers at the March meeting.
We learned about an upcoming transition of YWCA's 10-acre front lawn into 104 affordable housing units. This is a collaborative project between YWCA Central Carolinas and DreamKey Partners (formerly Charlotte-Mecklenburg Housing Partnership).
We also learned about how a Charlotte urban farm is connecting community and how food as medicine has become a powerful health initiative rooted at home.
YWCA Central Carolinas
FPNA Mtg (March) Minutes
- Police report (Officer Jim Gilliland)
Only two incidents since Feb 2023: car part stolen and a credit card fraud.
Continue to lock car doors and do not leave valuables inside cars.
- County Commissioner Update (Laura Meier)
Informed group that blue algae growing in park lakes will be addressed.
Park Rd Park will be treated in 2024. Freedom Park will be addressed in 2025 and it will coincide with the construction/opening of the new Nature Museum.
- Revaluation ---much discussion regarding the anticipated increases in property values and resulting taxes. The tax rate may help to offset but the rate will not be set until June. A large piece of the county budget is education (42%) – resulting from Charlotte’s very high growth rate.
- StarMed Healthcare --- Freedom Farm:
The presentation was given by Nicole Burnett, Exec. Director. The community urban farm was discussed, with a Food is Medicine tagline. The farm is volunteer staffed, located in West Charlotte and opens on April 15. Healthy cooking and nutritional classes will be offered (with Atrium joining in). The potential exists for food insecurity grants to supplement funding for this program.
- YWCA Park Rd –Update
The presentation was given by Kirsten Sikkele—providing a history of the 10-acre property and the current status to build 104 transitional housing units. Construction with Dream Key Partners is expected to begin late summer 2023 and take approx. 28 months to complete the project. Overall project cost is $50MM. Links are available on the Y website to review renderings and a project video.
- FPNA Treasurer position ----- Jon Bass has kindly taken over the role of FPNA treasurer from Bob Binner –and is effective as of the date of this FPNA mtg.
- Next FPNA mtg ----- April 20 at 6 PM at AutoPour on Seneca and South Blvd.